How much does the Enhancement Program cost? $999 for those who have completed a Yoga Hive 200-hour teacher training $1,499 for those who have completed their 200-hour training with another studio
Are there payment plans? The balance must be paid in full by the start of the program. You are eligible to pay with cash, check or credit card. If you have a creative proposal on how you wish to pay over time, please bring it to our attention. Each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
What is the refund policy? There are no refunds once the program has started.
Will I eventually get paid to teach at Yoga Hive’s Teacher Trainings? It’s highly likely! The Enhancement Program features a high level of support for your personal development, as you hone your skills and strengths, deepen your familiarity with the material on the level of facilitator, and most importantly, cultivate your personal sadhana. This is also considered part of the interview process. After successfully completing the Enhancement Program, you will be eligible to assist at any future 200-hour training free of charge without pay, based on space availability and the approval of the training lead. If the training you want to assist isn't in a typically as-scheduled training format at Yoga Hive Montana, and it involves hard costs like transport, food or lodging, you may be asked to cover those costs.
Then, at any time in the process, at the discretion of the Yoga Hive Leadership Team, you may be promoted to Paid Trainer at a 200-hour teacher training, at which time you get paid, and reasonable travel expenses like transport, food and lodging are reimbursed.
How many trainings do I need to assist before becoming a Paid Trainer? There is no set number of trainings an Enhancement student must assist before being promoted to Paid Trainer. It could be 0… it could be 3. It could be more. Promotions depend on a number of criteria, including your commitment to the material, the development of your own unique voice as a teacher, evaluations from Shelle, feedback from students, and how well Enhancement students incorporate the feedback they’ve been given. We’re quite certain that with dedication to the practice and the methodologies, each Enhancement student will reach this level if he or she truly desires.
Once I become a Paid Trainer, how much do I get paid? It varies on your experience, and at times, varies person to person. You must be registered with Yoga Alliance and have all the necessary state/insurance paperwork completed to get paid. (Of course, we can help you out with knowing what you need!) Our general pay-scale for your level of yoga education is as follows:
RYT 200 — $20-$25/hour
RYT 500 — $25-$30/hour
E-RYT 200 —$40-$60/hour
E-RYT 500 — $60-$90/hour
Trainers get paid based on their experience, the number of Paid Trainers working a given weekend, and based on the number of students attending each training. Most paid training weekends are anywhere from 20-35 hours at a time. All Paid Trainers get reimbursed for their training-related expenses such as travel.
After this program, can I run my own teacher training? Anyone with the appropriate credentials can apply through Yoga Alliance to run their own YTT with their own syllabus and manual at any time! However, our intention through this program is for you to become a part of the Yoga Hive teaching team, using our materials so you don’t have to re-create the wheel! Our YTT manual is the property of Yoga Hive Montana and cannot be reproduced without our express permission. Alternatively, if you’re interested in running your own training under the Yoga Hive Montana banner with our manual, we would be excited to hear your proposal, and upon promotion to Paid Trainer with Yoga Hive Montana you would be eligible to run your own Yoga Hive Montana YTT, per our express approval, geographic requirements, and training standards. We imagine this happening more and more in the future, especially as we expand!
How will my individuality shine through in my work with Yoga Hive Montana? This is a principle that Yoga Hive was founded upon — that yoga is for every body and everybody. Your voice as a teacher is going to speak to people in a way that another faculty member cannot, and vice versa. Your voice is important to us, and your unique delivery (emphasis on UNIQUE!) will be what makes our programs what they are. We intend on providing a strong backbone of the program that is steeped in tradition but still relevant for today’s modern yogi. We envision placing Paid Trainers into teaching positions depending on their unique strengths where appropriate to provide the richest experience for our students. Meaning: If you’re not a natural born anatomy teacher who loves to teach anatomy, we likely won’t have you teach anatomy.
What is Yoga Hive's experience with facilitation?
The Yoga Hive team has years of experience leading yoga teacher trainings, both local and global retreats, small group workshops as well as large group facilitation. We are humbled to share our methods and processes with you as you entertain growing within the Yoga Hive tradition. Our own trainings stem from the Sattva Yoga Academy at the foothills of the Himalayas, and Energy Medicine Yoga. We are proud to carry on these ancient traditions not only with our yoga students but with you, our future teachers of the Yoga Hive Montana yoga teacher training program.